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FS ZIP Extractor

A freeware. Zip Self-Extractor is a draft, executable file is used to create SFX archive.


To create SFX archive to executable file "A free. Zip Self-Extractor is a draft."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: FS ZIP Extractor a freeware. Zip to create a self-drop makes you self-extractor is a stub. Zip archives are run an executable. exe file as.
FS ZIP Extractor. to translate into an executable zip file is used. exe so later, without any compression zip unzip software can be installed. For example, a need to share some files with your friends. Zip archive announced. But if you are not sure if your friend has any 'unzip software' installed on your own computer? Themselves into. Zip turning drop. Zip, your friend (s) by only. You can unzip the file by clicking the exe. Unzip software installed on any computer your friend must not.
Time, Self-Extractor for a way to extract whether or not, and to preserve the directory structure exists on whether the files will ask you started. zip (if any). You can also choose to extract some or all files. FS ZIP Extractor 2.0 can now download free.

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